« ...To treat it, simply wash your baby with a mild soap and warm water. Once a day should be sufficient. Never use harsh soaps, exfoliants or scrubs as this could irritate their skin even more. When they are done with the bath, pat them dry with a soft towel, don't rub their skin abrasively. Acne is an internal issue and being dirty will not cause acne so it is important to remember not to over wash your baby's skin as this will cause further irritation. Also, avoid using lotions or oil as this could also cause further irritation. If you insist on using lotion, use a lotion that is oil free, hypoallergenic and does not contain any fragrance. ...
...The acne scars can be treated and the luster and tone of the skin, overall, can be improved through the use of microdermabrasion. It is among the serious treatments for acne scar removal that can be tried out by those who have scars caused by acne that are strong and do not respond to other forms of treatment....»
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best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com «...For a more comprehensive list and more detailed information I have created a complete guide available at from my website....»
Full Text: http://how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
tags: pro active acne treatment, lotion for acne prone skin, acne scar cream
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